Wednesday, June 17, 2015

'The King and I' ... a New York production.

After working in the temple all day, we always find enough energy to enjoy the sights and perks of living in New York City.
'The King and I' is playing across the street from where we live at Lincoln Center at the Beaumont Theater.
The stage. Even though no photos were to be taken once inside the theater, Stan managed to 'accidentally' take a few.
One of the coolest theaters we have been in. EVERY seat is a great seat. We were on the 2nd to the last row in the middle of the theater and our seats were wonderful.
During 'Intermission', I ran down to the refreshment center to get Stan a treat. See if you can spot me. The line was not too long. The line to the Restrooms,however, was out the door!
Back to the theater for the 2nd Act.  You can see by the above (illegal!) photo that the incline of the theater is such that no big head with a 'Mod Squad' hair-do can obstruct your view. (Reference to our seats at 'An American in Paris'.)
The play is over....11pm. Everyone is now racing to catch a cab, a subway or a bus home. (The lobby of the theater.)
We, on the other hand, have a very short walk home to our apartment. (Do you see Angel Moroni on the left?)  What a great location to live!

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