Monday, June 29, 2015

A big day of shopping...

We were going to be speaking at our Temple Missionary Family Home Evening tonight. The Subject:  Our mission in Poland. We brought nothing with us here to New York, so we decided to get a few pictures blown up to show while we spoke.
Costco Photo is a great cheap place to get this done. It isn't the easiest to get to from where we live. Costco is located in Harlem and we take a subway for 50 Blocks then a bus. As we got off the bus, we just followed the people and they led us to this! Welcome to a New York Costco!
Once inside, we picked up our photos and HAD to get a swirl and browse the store. (Costco is Stan's favorite store!) Besides the photos, they were the only things we bought. It isn't worth it to try to get merchandise home. That's why we have Google Express....they deliver Costco items to our door!
 This is where I do most of my shopping....Trader Joes. It is close and I can get all my perishables here. I am a fan!
 And 2 doors down is one of our favorite Pizza places. Shop and grab some dinner to take home. That's how to live in NYC!

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