Friday, June 19, 2015

New York Philharmonic "Concerts in the Park"

The NY Philharmonic puts on outdoor concerts during the summer in Central Park.  This is the 50th Anniversary and over 14 million concert goers have enjoyed hearing one of the greatest orchestras perform free of charge in the most popular park in the world.  Last night we experienced this first hand.
Showing up early to get a good seat. We were lucky enough to have VIP tickets (the gated off area)...given to us by one of the members we work with in the temple who has worked for the New York Philharmonic for years.
These tickets were quickly 'upgraded' from 'VIP lawn seating' to 'VIP chairs' as a woman approached Stan and thought she recognized him.
The view of the city was magnificent. It was threatening to rain...but never did.
 Us with the New York skyline behind us. Tens of thousands of people attend these concerts each night. The remarkable protesters, no noisemakers, no vandals....just people of ALL ages and backgrounds gathering together to hear some wonderful music.
The stage. Ready and waiting for the musicians to take their places.
Because we were early, there were literally 'hundreds' of open seats. This guy came and sat right next to us. I think Stan's 'magnetic attraction' to odd people is rubbing off on me! 'Personal space' is a commodity to be cherished wherever you are in the world! (They actually decided to move up to some closer seats just before the concert started and I was able to adjust the chairs before someone else can and sat down.)
The performance. It was magnificent! Have you seen the movie "August Rush"? This scene will look familiar.
FLASHBACK: August 10, 1965 was the date of the 1st 'Concerts in the Park'. It was held in Sheep Meadow (shown above). Fifty years ago, New York Police had anticipated 5000 people to attend this special one-of-a-kind event. To their surprise, 70,000 showed up!
After the concert we attended, looking back on the skyline of New York lit up the sky.
A special treat....fireworks! A great display of fireworks filled the sky at the end of the concert. You could hear the 'booms' echo off the buildings. A great ending to a great night. Truly, a New York not to miss!

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