Monday, June 29, 2015

One World Observatory

One World Observatory (at the top of One World Trade Center) is now open. We were excited to see the much talked about view from the top of this incredible structure.
This is the base of the One World Trade is covered in glass and steel panels.
 Lights behind these panels illuminate the tower at night. The tower is 1776 feet tall in commemoration of the US Declaration of Independence signed on July 4, 1776.
Inside the building is the entrance to the observatory.
At the time we entered, this was the count of people who had visited. The observatory opened May 31, 2015.
Taking a 60 second elevator ride up to the 102nd floor, we were met by magnificent views. This one is looking north up the Hudson River.
Looking out towards Governor's Island...southeast side of the Observatory.
Looking out towards The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island...southwest side of the Observatory.
Looking down on the 'Memory Pools' and entrance to the 9/11 Museum.
Looking east and seeing the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge connecting Manhattan to Brooklyn.
Looking towards Downtown Manhattan....and the Empire State Building.
It was a another great day and great event in New York City. A wonderful day to spend P-Day!

A big day of shopping...

We were going to be speaking at our Temple Missionary Family Home Evening tonight. The Subject:  Our mission in Poland. We brought nothing with us here to New York, so we decided to get a few pictures blown up to show while we spoke.
Costco Photo is a great cheap place to get this done. It isn't the easiest to get to from where we live. Costco is located in Harlem and we take a subway for 50 Blocks then a bus. As we got off the bus, we just followed the people and they led us to this! Welcome to a New York Costco!
Once inside, we picked up our photos and HAD to get a swirl and browse the store. (Costco is Stan's favorite store!) Besides the photos, they were the only things we bought. It isn't worth it to try to get merchandise home. That's why we have Google Express....they deliver Costco items to our door!
 This is where I do most of my shopping....Trader Joes. It is close and I can get all my perishables here. I am a fan!
 And 2 doors down is one of our favorite Pizza places. Shop and grab some dinner to take home. That's how to live in NYC!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

A long trip to Church on Sunday

We headed to the Jamaica 1st Ward at 7:15am.  Meaning we left our apartment at 7:15am.  Now, remember we live 105 steps away from the Manhattan 1st Ward where we could be going to church.
Here we are waiting for the E train and I am trying to scrounge up a granola bar or something to nibble on! We finally arrived at church at 9:30....2 hours and 15 minutes later...and 1/2 hour late for church. UGH!!! These subways drive me crazy sometimes. You cannot count on them on Sundays. It is a day close tracks down and repair them.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Swan Lake

Yes...I talked Stan into taking me to another ballet!
Tonight we went and saw the ballet classic, Swan Lake, the ballet of all ballets. The music score is by the Russian composer,  Tchaikovsky, and was first performed in Moscow in 1877.

You cannot beat the location of this Ballet. A quick walk across the street, and we are standing in the middle of Lincoln Square Plaza where the American Ballet Theater will be performing... the Metropolitan Opera. It still takes my breath away each time we walk into this magnificent building!
Tonight our seats were located in the 'Dress Circle'. Great Seats...especially for this ballet. As you can see, we arrived early.
Taking a 'selfie' at the Met!
Walking around the lobby during Intermission, the ABT had displays set up selling books, calendars, and these interesting items to raise money. These are old toe shoes belonging to the dancers in ABT that were on sale for $20 a pair.
The finale. Unfortunately, you cannot see the 'sea' of swans that are out on the stage. The swans were magnificent! Stan enjoyed himself but said afterwards that this would be his last ballet. "I am ready for some nachos and a ballgame." That's fair!
It was a wonderful night!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Finding Neverland

'Finding Neverland' is the story of how Peter became Pan.
A true story of author and novelist, JM Barry, and his greatest creation. The play, Peter Pan, premiered in London in 1904.
We picked up 'premier seats' at an orchestra price and were VERY happy with them!
A scene from the play. It was great! This is one of the most popular plays on Broadway, and we now know why!
The singing and choreography was wonderful. Shown above is Peter Pan making his way around the stage. A very entertaining night!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Belvedere Castle in Central Park

 Take a look at the picture you recognize it?
                                                            Maybe a closer view?
For my kids, this was the home of Count von Count (Sesame Street). For my grandkids, Gargamel used this castle as his headquarters in his plan to capture the Smurfs in the movie, The Smurfs.
The name of this beautiful little 'folly' in Central Park is Belvedere Castle. (A 'folly' is an ornamental building usually found in a garden with no practical purpose.) Built on top of a huge rock in 1867 by one of the designers of Central Park, it provides impressive views of New York's 'backyard'... this one. ('Belvedere' actually means 'beautiful view' in Italian.) Since 1919, it has been used to mark wind velocity and rainfall making it the official weather station in Central Park.
From the castle, you also get a great view of the stage and audience of 'Shakespeare in the Park' productions.
Making our way back home, we are impressed with all the beautiful lakes in Central Park.
Grandma looks as though Grandpa just pulled her out of the lake! Yes, the humidity is playing havoc with my hair!
You've got to love this park, though.  We NEVER get tired of walking around our 'home away from home' in New York City!
We love serving in the Temple and at night being able to see all that New York City has to offer.  We are truly blessed.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge

It was another beautiful day and its Monday our P-day, we decided to finally walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and see all there is to see...
This massive structure began in 1869 and was completed in 1883. A major undertaking that was the first to connect the Borough of Brooklyn to Manhattan. Ferry service had been the mode of transportation until then. When completed it ended up being 50% longer than any other existing suspension bridge in the world.
The best way to do this is to take the subway under the East River and walk from Brooklyn to New York. The view of the New York skyline is stunning!
This merry-go-round called 'Jane's Carousel' is located under the bridge in a glass pavilion. It was built in 1922.
Just after the Brooklyn Bridge was built there were rumors that it was going to fall down. To dispel those rumors, in May of 1884, PT Barnum (the famous circus owner) led his prize attraction, Jumbo, and 21 fellow elephants over the bridge...and it still stands! What a sight that would have been!
Another great bridge that connects Brooklyn to Manhattan...the Manhattan Bridge. There are 21 principle bridges connect Manhattan to the other 4 Boroughs and  New Jersey.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fathers Day at Jamaica 1st Ward

Today we walked to the Jamaica 1st Ward a different way...and look what we discovered...
Our building has a steeple!! We are constantly impressed with this great building the Church has in this part of Queens. There are 6 floors in all and it accommodates so many activities.
Here we are on the 6th floor....and what is going on?
The Ward has put on a special lunch for the fathers and potential fathers for Father's Day.
Some of the Priesthood brethren in the Jamaica 1st Ward. Brother Craig (High Priest Group Leader) on the far right.
Brother Richardson (2nd Counselor in the Bishopric) on the far left.
Not only was there some great delicious food, but the men were served by the sisters in the Ward as they walked through the line.
Sister Pridgen (Primary President) and Sister Ramsey (Bishop's wife) on the right.
The Sister Missionaries and I manned the dessert table.
Not only was their great food and great company provided for the fathers but....
some great entertainment as well from the Primary. These kids have moves! Everyone enjoyed themselves today! Happy Father's Day!