Thursday, March 12, 2015

Metropolitan Museum of Art via Central Park.

We have the most amazing experiences each day in the temple.  We meet people from all over the world.  We are surprised how many have been to Poland, know one of our missionaries or are good friends with someone we know in Las Vegas.
Last night Stan worked with a Brother Maready.  On his way to the temple, about 3 blocks from the temple, Brother Maready saw a couple drop some papers and the wind started blowing them down Broadway.  He realized by the colors and size that they were family names file cards for temple work.  He helped the couple retrieve them and was late to the temple.  Later that night, Stan was performing sealings for this same couple. Brother Maready walked in and assisted as one of the sons.  The family cards were a little dirty, but we felt Brother Maready helped save these desceased family members twice.  Once by saving them from the wind blowing their card away and again by being proxy.
We also met a Sister from Berlin.  She knew Poznan and all about Poland.  What a nice visit and Freiberg was her temple as well.
This morning we headed off to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  It's a giant- 1.6 million square feet complex which competes with the Louvre in Paris for stature and content.   On the way there, we went through Central Park located a block from our apartment.
Waiting at a crosswalk, Judi was interviewed by a local TV crew.  The weather was gorgeous and they were out visiting with people.
 Central Park starting to thaw out.
 The horse drawn carriages were out in full force.
The skating rink with some of our senior temple missionaries.  E/S Hawkins and Rogers.
 The main entrance to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
 Inside the great hall and main entrance.
 George Washington crossing the Delaware.  This was magnificent.  It made you proud to be an American.
Another famous painting of our First President.
 Degas' famous bronze sculpture, "The Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer". The skirt is made of cotton and satin hair ribbon.
 Lunch time in New York City. After a trip to the museum, Stan needed one of these! Street vendor  Hot Dogs are the best!
As you walk through Central Park you see all kinds of interesting attractions and people doing everything.
Back to the apartment and ready to start at the temple by 3:00pm...the best part of our day!

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