Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday and the weather is changing- cold again.

Even though Spring has not yet sprung in New York City, the Annual Macy's Flower Show has!
Macy's has been wowing visitors with it's unique flower arrangements splattered all over it's flagship store at Herald Square in NYC for the past 41 years. This year was no different!
The main entrance to Macy's....EVERY flower is real and carefully placed! This show lasts for 2 weeks and during that time, Macy's is CROWDED!
Notice everyone in their 'winter' coats, however! But walking around the store made you feel as if Spring may show up one day!
Trying to help you get a feel for the beauty....but the smell of beautiful flowers every where cannot be captured!
Special tours were being conducted through the store; not only telling about the flowers but the story of the Macy's department store as well. Look close, do you see any one you know? The guy in the back of the group.  He is acting interested as the group is so excited to hear the tour guide.   I wanted to stay and here what the guide had to say!  But we moved on.....
One of my favorite things about this old Macy's store is an original wooden escalator. Built in 1902, Macy's was the 1st building in the world to have a modern day escalator. (Between floors 8 and 9)
The Flower Show continues in the store front windows of Macy's. My favorite....
Close to Macy's, we found something that interested Stan....Madison Square Garden. Someday....
We continued our trek to Lower Manhattan and found the NY Stock Exchange....the most famous financial institution in the world.
Across the street from it lies Federal Hall...with it's statue of George Washington. (More on this in posts to come)
And the Federal Reserve Bank....(again, more on this in posts to come!)
It was a great, but cold day to explore the Financial District in Lower Manhattan. I love this city!

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