Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cleaning the Jamaica 1st Ward

We headed out at 7:30 Saturday morning to Queens to assist our ward, Jamaica 1st Ward, in their cleaning assignment.  They have such a fantastic building.  It was raining and cold.
We have been to the ward building one time.  Stan thought he knew the way but somehow got us going in the wrong direction.  I hate to say that I saved the day, but I did and got us where we were supposed to be.
 We arrived on time but the building was locked.  So we had to wait just a few minutes.  This is in Queens, New York but there are so many things that remind us of Poland.  We love it.  One thing we have here that we didn't in Poland was a beautiful building like this. 
Stan started out with Brother Hawk vacuuming the Chapel (then the third and fourth floors).
 I did what I know the best.  All of the bathrooms on all floors.  Seems like the Brethren don't like to do the bathrooms.  I think that is Church wide.
 We finished up and made the last few finishing touches- like collecting the trash.
The completed the task and ran into the Elders who were finishing up there morning planning and studies.  These are great missionaries-  Elders Shippen and Ashby.  On our left was Brother Nick who was on a mini mission for the day.  Baptize!
We made it back to Manhattan with about on hour before our temple shift started at 1:00pm.  A great Saturday in NYC.
In the temple we met a young couple from Brazil that spoke impeccable English.  He served a mission in Japan, they met in Utah, he now works at Price Waterhouse in Manhattan.  Her mother is from Poland. Stan was sealing them acting for her family members.  Another blessing that just comes from being here daily.  Judi ran into Elder Gore from Las Vegas and we know his mother Marianne.  He is going great!  You can tell by his look that he is a great missionary.  We also run into missionaries from New Jersey that know Elder Thresher.  We haven't see him yet but the missionaries tell us he is their Zone Leader and a great missionary.  Stan served in every assignment in the temple today except in the laundry- which I covered for him.
Another great day in Manhattan and in the Temple!

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