Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Departing Missionaries from the New York City South Mission

Stan went across the street this morning to the New York Philharmonic to buy tickets for the morning Open Rehearsal on March 19.   You literally cross the street and you are there.  It was a beautiful clear day.   As he as walking back to our side of Broadway this is what he saw-
 The Temple just stands out and is so powerful.   It is on a busy intersection (Columbus/Broadway and 65th Street) and yet is so calm and quiet inside.  He could see this from across the way and came running because he recognized what it was...
 A group of departing missionaries as their last day on their mission going to the temple.  He visited with a number of them.  Some knew Elder Blum from our mission and others knew someone else.  The Church is really quite small amongst us.  But Stan singled out a couple of people that he really wanted to meet.
President and Sister Calderwood, the Mission President and wife of the New York City South Mission.  They had a wonderful visit and instantly became great friends.  They are excited that we are serving in the Jamaica 1st Ward and they went over things that we can help with in that great ward.  This wonderful couple return home in a few months and we know what they are going through and yet they don't know how difficult it will be to leave their mission.

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