Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, P-day in Manhattan

An upgrade to our Apartment: We received a new mattress for our apartment this morning! This will help Stan's back tremendously.  President and Sister Bennion ordered three new mattresses for three of us Temple Missionaries and they arrived this morning. They take such good care of us here in Manhattan!

We then headed out to the Statue of Liberty- I LOVE icons, and this is a special one!
"Lady Liberty" was a gift from the French in 1876 to celebrate America's 100th year of freedom. The 10-story base was to be provided by the American people.

I remember climbing to the top of the crown when I was a young girl. But not today...even the 'Pedestal' tickets were sold out! I'll be back! The Statue of Liberty has always been a favorite to me.
Our next stop was Ellis Island. Built in 1892 and used until 1954, it was the port-of-entry for the majority of immigrants settling in the U.S. during those years. (Over 12 million). Note to our posterity: Neither mine nor your grandfather's ancestors came through Ellis Island. They had come to America 40 years earlier when they joined the Church in Europe.
                 The view of the Grand Hall (officially called the 'Registry Hall') today.
The Registry Hall in 1906 with people lined up as they passed through the tests and check points.
I just passed through the Physical Test.  They had 6 doctors watch people as they walked up the stairs.  If you could walk up to the second floor, you passed.  If you had a limp they would pull you aside and check things out.  If you couldn't walk up the stairs you failed and were deported. (No one-way tickets were sold to America. It was always a 'round-trip' incase you had to return to your homeland.)
 Next was the mental competency test.  You were give 7 blocks of wood and you had three minutes to figure out how they all fit together. A doctor observed you.  If you looked like you were thinking and reasoning, you passed.  If you put the "puzzle" together you passed.  About 3% failed and they were deported.
                                                        I aced the test!!!!!
                            Leaving Ellis Island and back to Manhattan.
For lunch we hit Carnegie Deli on 7th Ave.  We got off the subway at Columbus Circle and walked here and then on the way home we walked through Central Park. 
Tonight we had FHE at President and Sister Bennion's apartment.  President and Sister Seely told about their experiences when he was the Mission President in Puebla Mexico.  A fun night.
We love Manhattan and serving in the Temple.

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