Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Monday is P-Day (Preparation Day) in the Missions all over the world...even in the New York Temple Mission; and we Temple Missionaries decided to take an excursion today.
Since our church is a worldwide church, we decided to visit a world-wide organization...the United Nations located on the East River in Manhattan. This UN was founded in 1945 and replaced the League of Nations, its predecessor which was formed after WWI.
Missionaries and some visiting family members outside the UN building. Flags from 193 nations participating circle the area.
The main Conference room in the UN....a chair, a microphone, translation devices and a chair for an assistant is offered to each country's representative.
It is an incredible sight! This is where countries get together to work for world peace and human rights for all the world's citizens.
If you look closely, you can see the chair of the Polish representative.
The meeting is in session....and the talks begin. Today they are discussing the need for clean water and better sanitation for developing countries.
Stan giving his 'two cents'....You can be sure that he is NOT suggesting that we drain Lake Powell to solve this problem!   The world is now a safer place.
After a full day at the UN, we were able to spend a wonderful FHE in Harlem at the home of a very talented artist....Walter Rane.
Walter Rane and President and Sister Bennion showing his painting of the building of the Kirkland Temple. Brother Rane's apartment doubles as his art studio.
Walter Rane and a painting he is currently working on....'Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests'.  It is beautiful!  He will present this to the Church in a few months.  It was a wonderful night as this good man told us how his faith has influenced his work. 
It was late, and it was time to get to our subway station....several blocks away. We looked up at a corner we were standing on and had to take this picture. Who would have thought that we would be walking in downtown Harlem at 9:00pm...
On the subway ride home, Stan struck up a conversation with this young man who was meeting his girlfriend at the airport...with gifts. We had a great discussion with him about families, gave him a pass along card and made a new friend!  His girlfriend works for Delta and they get to travel for free.  We invited him to SLC and take the Temple Square tour.  He and Sister Call really hit it off!  
A great night! We love serving a mission for the Lord!

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