Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Busy Tuesday Morning

We had a bunch of stuff to get done this morning before we serve starting at 3:00pm.  We headed east on 66th street towards Central Park.
 On the way we could see a movie crew on Central Park West just down from us.  Trucks were lined up all along the street. They must be shooting a movie somewhere in the area.
Continuing on with our walk, we passed this statue of Abraham of my favorite presidents of the United States. This would make a great gift for my brother....who loves 'Honest Abe' even more than I do!
It's trying to become Spring.  It was still 32 degrees today but the snow is melting.  A beautiful day to walk along Broadway across from Lincoln Center!  The Angel Moroni looked so clean and wonderful today in the sunlight and clear sky.
A real find for me!  I came across Google Express.  This is a life changer!  Shopping in Manhattan can be a real chore sometimes. I'm not talking about shoes, purses, fun stuff....I'm talking about paper towel, big red cups, canned goods...  But I have found Google Express. A shopping service where you can order almost anything you want online and the delivery is  free.  I am going to try it and see what happens.  The grocery stores around the corner are great but pricey.  The Costco and Targets are great prices but far far away and a hassle.  I hope this free delivery and Google Express works!
We had another great evening serving in the Temple.  Every day is different and we enjoy the great experiences we are having.  The patrons are wonderful and come from near and far.  We certainly appreciate all who serve in the Temple and the many things that go on behind the scenes to make a Temple run smoothly and properly.
We love New York City and serving in the Temple.

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