Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Monday P-day...

We headed out to the American Museum of Natural History...one of the largest and most celebrated museums in the world. It is located across the street from Central Park (on the west side) and is comprised of 27 interconnected buildings.
The Theodore Roosevelt Statue that welcomes into this magnificent Museum.This 26th President of the US a great love for nature and preserving it....an ongoing commitment of this Museum.
The Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda...grand entrance to  the Museum...with the ionic dinosaur exhibit in the center.
The African Mammal dioramas were fabulous....Standing in front of a herd of elephants!
In the Hall of Ocean Life.....Trying to get a picture of a 10-ton blue whale suspended over the exhibit.
In the exhibit, Nature's Fury, there is a station where you can add different components....
...to make your very own volcano!  This was fun to mess around with.
This giant Sequoia was cut down in 1891. It was grew in California ton 300 feet tall and is estimated to be 1400 years old. Today it is illegal to cut down giant sequoias.
We could have spent days in this great museum.....but we will be back. We had an appointment across town...
...at the Tenement Museum. At first the Museum looks like just one of the many brownstone buildings on this Lower East Side block....and that's the point! It was preserved to tell the story of the immigrants who once lived here.
97 Orchard Street....a 5 story tenement building that housed some 10,000 immigrants from 25 different countries between 1863-1935. (The fire escapes were all added later as fire codes came into effect.)
You cross over from Little Italy into part of Chinatown.  Part of the many areas of New York where cultures and nationalities change over time.
We found a new place to take Stan's white shirts to-  A Chinese Laundry.
We walked a lot today. Its Monday night and FHE around the world.  We are working on our transfer back to Las Vegas come mid-September and there's much to do.
For now, New York is a wonderful place to serve and we love being in the Temple every day.

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