Friday, April 24, 2015

Another BIG day in New York City!

Today we visited the American Museum of Natural History...truly a kid's paradise! So much to see and do. In fact, Stan and I had visited this '27-interconnected-buildings facility' four times prior so we would know our way around.
The front steps...standing by the statue of President Theodore Roosevelt (26th President of the US) who was one of the founders and the original 'conservationist'...a true nature lover.
The grand entryway inside the Museum. We are greeted by some life-size dinosaurs. (We also spent time on the 4th floor which houses the largest collection of dinosaur bones in the world.)
In the Hall of Ocean Life where we were greeted by a 10-ton blue whale replica hanging from the ceiling.
The Bennetts and President Theodore Roosevelt. A moment to sit down and rest!
Outside the Museum, Stan bought a very expensive lunch for everyone at one of the many famous restaurants in Manhattan...the outdoor hotdog stand. And look who met us there...Dane!!! He is here for a few days to visit.
After the Museum, Stan and I needed to get to the Temple for our assignment there. The Bennetts and Dane continued on to the 9/11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan. Standing next to one of the reflecting pools built in the 'footprints' of the Twin Towers. Each pool is surrounded by a brass plate where names of the victims are engraved.
Inside the 9/11 Museum in front of a fire truck that had been used to try to rescue survivors. This underground museum (built below the tragic site, is a fitting tribute to those who died in this unforgettable incident.

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