Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Visiting the Flat Iron Building one last time.

We are in our last full week in New York City,;and as you can tell, we have been visiting some of our 'favorites'. Of course, it would HAVE to include my favorite New York skyscraper, the Flatiron Building! 
This unique building was built in 1902 by Chicago architect, Daniel Burnham. Above is a photo during the construction of this 22-story of the first in NYC...and the most unique by far! You can see why crowds would gather and watch to see if this odd shaped building was going to blow over because of it's height and shape!

This  plaque is found on the west side of the building. In 1966, the Flatiron Building was named a NYC landmark. In 1989, it was designated as a national historic landmark!
Listen up Ladies...Due to an oversight in the original design, there were no bathrooms for ladies when the building first opened. This has been remedied! The men's and women's bathrooms are now on alternating floors.
The pointed end of the building is only 6.5 feet wide and opens up to an acute angle (use your geometry!) of roughly 25 degrees. AKA: not very wide!
In 2009, an Italian real estate investment firm bought a majority stake in the building (52%) with possible plans to turn the office building into a luxury hotel. We'll see!  Love this building! Look for it in many more movies to come!

1 comment:

  1. Love that building. Cary Grant worked there as an elevator operator. A movie producer liked him, that is how he got started in movies.
