Friday, September 11, 2015

Morning of September 11, 2015

Stan got up and rode his bike down the Hudson River walkway to the 911 Memorial before things got too busy and crowded this morning.  Since we live in New York City what a better thing to do on this memorable and historic day.  It was fourteen years ago this tragedy happened.  When Stan and I first arrived in Manhattan we visited the 911 Memorial Museum and became members with a pass for one year.  Since that first visit, we have been back a dozen times.  Learning and appreciating more and more with each visit.
As Stan was riding towards the 911 area, he was thinking about what was happening early this morning fourteen years ago.   This city is beginning to awake.
This morning was a cloudy and not like the clear brilliant morning of 9/11/2001.
In fact, the clouds were moving across the city as the wind was gently blowing.
At the base of the One Freedom Tower there was a lot activity getting ready for the tributes and program that was planned for.
There were many TV crews and news people all around doing live broadcasts and reports.  The Memorial was closed to the public and open to only family members who had lost loved ones.  Those members were being interviewed and had special badges.
 Stan got to this point with the Memorial Pools just beyond the trees, before the security guards asked him how he got that far and to leave.  He was on his bike and somehow got this far "undetected".
He walked his bike around to the other side where Police and Security were thick. There was a quiet, solemn feeling with not much noise.  To think about all that was about to happen and did happen at this very spot was quite humbling.
 This is the PATH (Port Authority Trans Hudson--a rapid transit railroad) entrance where 
many of the Twin Tower workers were traveling in to work on that horrific day.          
This interesting looking building is still under construction and will be the Subway Station for World Trade Center.  It will be easy access to all that is down here and will be wonderful. Also in the background is more of the construction of the World Trade Center towers. In total, there will be four.
More of the area.  In the tree area is where the twin reflection pools are where both Twin Towers once stood.  This is the area where the Towers collapsed and seven stories of demolition was piled up.  Unbelievable what happened at this spot.
This was a great visit this morning.  About this very moment fourteen years early, there were two passenger jetliners departing Boston soon to be hijacked and then rerouted to Manhattan and this sight.
This was an interesting sight of the new One Freedom Tower and to remember (as most of us can) that impression of the smoke coming from both Twin Towers after being struck by the aircraft and before coming down.
It was one of those memorable occasions for us in New York City.

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