Sunday, September 13, 2015

Last Sunday in NYC

We knew this last trip on the subway to Queens would come one day, but we wished it could have been postponed awhile.
As was the case with every Sunday, we got up at 6:00am to get ready and leave our apartment by 7:00am to walk down to Columbus Circle where we catch the D train to 7th Ave and 53th St.  This morning it was hot and a sauna.  Not too many people were there this early on a Sunday morning. Those who were, always looked at our badges which we enjoyed wearing.
Here I am at our usual spot looking for the D train which never came at the same time.  It varied from week to week depending on weekend construction.  Catching the 'D' was critical in making our connection to the E train heading to Jamaica Center. This was always a little stressful!

Some of the members of the Aaronic Priesthood in the Jamaica 1st Ward.  The young man on the far left was baptized a couple of weeks ago and doing so well.  He is anxious to bless the sacrament.  The other two young men are terrific.  They know the gospel and really are examples to the rest of the world.  They will become great missionaries and are future leaders of the Church.  Stan had the blessing of teaching Aaronic Priesthood lessons and doing his Preach My Gospel lessons with these and other young men in the ward.  He feels that is why we were called to this ward.  I think he is correct but also for many other reasons which we both were able to be involved with.

We said goodbye to Brother Hack who is on the High Council in the Innsbrook Stake and a member of the Jamaica 1st Ward.  A great man and was so kind to us while we served in the wonderful ward.
Sister Hack was equally wonderful and nice to us.  She played the organ and we witnessed a miracle in how incredibly far she has progressed and improved in her playing.  The spirit and feeling in our sacrament meetings was so blessed by her diligence and practice.  It was a blessing to know this good woman.

Members of the Jamaica 1st Ward and the ward council.  What great people and members these are.  We love them and will always remember them. (LtoR): Standing: Elder Palmer (Executive Secretary), Elder's Quorum President, Bro. Richardson (1st Counselor-Bishopric), Bishop Ramsey, Sister Pridgeon (Primary President), Sister Pier (Seminary Teacher), Sister Missionary, Elder St. Rose (Full-time Missionary), Sister Jean-Louis (Relief Society 1st Counselor); Kneeling: Full-time Elder, Bro. Audain (2nd Counselor-Bishopric), Full-time Sister Missionary. We said good-bye to some dear friends who were working hard to build the church in their area.

More Good-byes! That night our dear friends and Temple Ordinance Missionaries sang to us in our lobby at 2 Lincoln Center.  They had been practicing a new song which they performed marvelously.  (L to R):  President Bench(2nd Counselor Temple Presidency), Elders Hawkins (Rexburg), Rogers (Las Vegas), Call ( Denver), Colton (Mesa), Fuller (Idaho), Buchanan (Highland Hills), Hosac (Boise), Sisters Rogers, Hosac, Colton, Hawkins, Fuller and Buchanan.  In the front is Sister Call and
Sister Bench on the piano. A very sweet Good-bye. We will miss these friends and co-workers!

This is our last night in New York City.  We walked over to the Lincoln Center and looked back at the beautiful Temple....the reason why we came here.  It was a blessing and privilege to serve here.  This is the view we saw and what we did the night of February 26, 2015 when we arrived.  Amazing how fast time has gone.  This night there was a live CES Broadcast going on in the chapel. We saw members departing out of the building. (The 3rd floor is the chapel where the broadcast originated and the satellite truck is to the lower left.  It was such a nice peaceful night.  We love this location and  everything associated with New York City and the Temple.

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