Saturday, September 5, 2015

One last walk across the Brooklyn Bridge!

We have been wanting to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge at night for a long time.  Well, we realized we only have a couple of more opportunities to do this.  We are back on the evening shift at the temple (3:30-10:30pm) so the only night we could do this is Saturday evening because the shift ends at 7:30pm.  So we headed out with our friends and co-workers, Elder and Sister Rogers!
Taking the subway across the East River to Brooklyn, we first stopped at Juliana"s Pizza.  The Rogers have been dear friends to us here.  We look forward to seeing them for many years in Las Vegas when we all return home.
The pizza was OK but according to all the reviews and ratings in the city, this is the place to have pizza.  Well, Stan wasn't that impressed.
Once in Brooklyn, we started the 1.1 mile trek across the Brooklyn Bridge so we could walk back to Manhattan and see the lights of the city.  Behind us in the distance is the Empire State building.  Look hard to see it.  It's lit up in Red, White and Blue.
From the other direction, Manhattan and the One Freedom Tower standing out.  This is the area where we put our lock on bridge.  It was crowded tonight and we couldn't find it.  Stan saw it a couple of weeks ago while on a bike ride so we know it is still here.    
                This is one of my favorite views.  To come across this marvelous bridge and see this beautiful city.  There is nothing like being in New York City at night.  We will never be in this situation again.  So let's enjoy it.  That goes for serving in the Manhattan Temple and in the Jamaica 1st Ward as well.  We love New York City!!!!!!

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