Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Last visits and people

As we get ready to wrap some things up, before departing this tremendous place to live and precious place to serve (in the Manhattan Temple), we did a few last things-
One of go to one of my favorite places...Macy's.  Stan brought back a carved statue from Poland (Marcin) and I wanted to bring back this one.  (Hey, what's fair is fair, right?) But I couldn't find a price tag on it!
Another one of those things I would like to bring back for the grandchildren to have and enjoy.  Again, no price tag. (This seems to be Stan's lucky day!)
We had lunch with Stephanie, who is working for Macy's. (This is day #3!)  She was baptized a few years ago in the Palmyra Ward back in Las Vegas.  It was good to see her again. She is off to an amazing career in New York.  We also got her information so she can start meeting with the great YSA program in Manhattan.
Some of our dear friends from Las Vegas were also in Manhattan for the day.  Erv and Lisa Nelson were here for a conference and we took them by the Temple on their way to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.  It was fun to visit with such great friends.

We also said goodbye to Rhonda.  We knew her in the Lakes Stake and have watched her grow and develop.  She lives in Connecticut and is the Relief Society President in her YSA ward.  It was fun to have lunch with her again.

And then there is Daniel.  This great friend is Autistic and attends the Temple every Tuesday with his father.  Daniel has been Stan's recorder when Stan performs sealings in the Temple.  Daniel makes sure the recordings are done correctly and accurately.  This young man has taught us lessons that will prepare us for the Las Vegas Temple and situations that arise in years to come.  
He was a blessing in our lives. 

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