Saturday, July 25, 2015

911 Memorial and Intrepid

Saturday we found ourselves at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
The kids in front of one of two memory pools built in the footsteps of the original twin towers.
Inside the museum, they could feel the magnitude of what happened there 14 years ago. Having studied the event in school, they were able to see for themselves some of the destruction that was done.
Saturday afternoon, we found ourselves at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. Above: In front of the WWII Aircraft Carrier...the Intrepid...which houses most of the museum.
On top of the Intrepid Aircraft carrier amongst the many planes that are displayed there.
The boys loved this one that was painted like a shark!
Also part of this museum is The Growler, the world's only tourable nuclear submarine. Showing how close the quarters can be on a sub!
There was a  'hands on' section in the museum that enabled kids to use astronaut gloves to work with tools, to use large signal paddles to help a plane land on the short airstrip on the top of the aircraft carrier, and make digital satellites and many other interesting things that were all 'touchable'.
The Nielson kids loved this museum and could have stayed all day. The parents, however, were worn out so we made our way home. A very full Saturday!

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