Sunday, May 10, 2015

Two Former Poland Warsaw Missionaries Visit.

We had a surprise Mother's Day gift...
The Murphy's, Troy and McKenzie, were one their way to Poland for a visit and had an 18 hour lay over in New York. Instead of spending it in the airport, they decided to look us up! (From the rooftop of  'Top of the Block' ...our apartment!)
It was great to visit for a short time with this wonderful couple who both served valiantly in Poland with us. (In front of the Temple at Lincoln Center.)
With a lunch packed for the road, it was soon time to see them off. Making sure they got on the right Subway to get them out to the JFK Airport with the instructions that they were to call once they made it through security. They did. Oh, how we wish we could go with them. We miss Poland, the beautiful country and especially the people.  And...I need more Polish pottery!

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