Monday, August 31, 2015

Restoration Site Completed!

Around the first part of June, the temple missionaries took a field trip. Our destination...
...Harmony (now known as Oakland), Pennsylvania. The chapel above was near completion but we were not able to enter. Today it is completed (opened 2 days ago!) and sits on a hill for all to see as they drive down the road. President Russell M Nelson will be dedicating this Visitor's Center/Chapel the middle of this month.
Half of this building is a Visitor's Center dedicated to the Restoration of the Priesthood. The highlight being a 20 minute film depicting this event that will only be shown on this site. It was quite a moving experience....we viewed it twice.
There are many interactive displays  explaining such historical events as the beginning of the translation of the Book of Mormon which occurred at the home of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale (Joseph Smith's wife's  (Emma) parents.
Artwork depicting John the Baptist conferring the Aaronic Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey in a grove of trees near the Susquehanna River on May 15, 1829.
Another painting showing the return of Peter, James and John to confer the Melchizedek Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Olivery Cowdery a short time later. Both of these paintings showing that the Priesthood in our Church comes directly from Jesus Christ himself.
And more interactive displays that explain the importance of ordinances and covenants.
All showing the importance of the Priesthood of God and how it blesses not only the members of the Church, but all mankind.
Truly, a 'Marvelous work' has come forth among the children of men with the restoration of the Priesthood of God upon the earth.
This chapel is also shared with the Susquehanna Branch...attended each week by 100-130 people. Something tells me they better be ready for many visitors come next summer!
Standing between the statues depicting the Restoration of the Aaronic and Melchezidek Priesthoods are Elder and Sister Hosac from Idaho and Elder and Sister Call from Colorado. We have the privilege of serving with both of these couples in the Manhattan Temple. It was a very nice P-Day!

Visitors from our days in Poland!

This week we had 2 young women come visit who became part of our lives in Poland...Aleks(center)-a Polish convert and Laurel(right)-one of the missionaries who taught her.
One of OUR favorite places to take visitors is 'Top of the Block'. Never heard of it? It's the view from the top of our building, 20 Lincoln Center. It's stunning in the day...
as well as in the night!
We also had a wonderful dinner at one of our favorite corner restaurants. We have met a Romania young man, a waiter there, who actually talked to missionaries in his native country. Aleks was able to talk to him in Romanian where she served a mission. Now they are social media friends!
Another highlight of their trip...Taking Laurel and Aleks to the Jamaica 1st Branch in Jamaica Queens.
It was a perfect Sunday to have them visit as it was Missionary Sunday! They were able to help role play in the combined meeting and share their testimonies in Primary. They were a great 'visual aide' in showing the blessings of being a missionary! Now it is off to JFK airport where they will go their separate ways...Laurel to San Francisco and Aleks back to BYU Provo. It was great having them here  and showing them this city we have grown to love and of course, the wonderful temple here.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Dinner with the Elder and Sister Goo.

Two of the most delightful people we have met in New York are Elder and Sister Goo from Hawaii.

The Goos have invited us and the Coltons (who serve at the UN, public relations for the Church) over for some authentic Chinese food.

Sister Goo is a master chef. Not only did we get to eat delicious Chinese specialties, but she gave us an added cooking lesson!  You cannot believe what and how much she cooks in her tiny kitchen!

What a delightful night! Great food plus great company! We feel a kinship to Elder and Sister Goo. They have been former Mission Presidents and Temple President and Matron in Hong Kong. They now are serving the Lord as MLS missionaries to build up the Chinese Ward in New York's China Town. Good, faithful people.
At the close of the evening, Elder Goo walked us over to the China Town Ward and gave us a tour. No signs can be displayed on the outside of the building. This sign was on the door of the 'chapel'. Touring the little 'chapel' brought back many memories of the 'chapels' we had in Poland. The church is true and striving to grow all over the world!
China Town has all but taken over what used to be 'Little Italy'. We did go past this welcome  sign; however, most of the great Italian restaurants have moved to other parts of the city. Even though Little Italy has almost ceased to exist, their sign is impressive!

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Favorite Place to Study

Another one of the wonderful blessings of serving in the Manhattan Temple is living at Lincoln Center.  Attached to the Temple building is the apartment building where we live.  Almost every morning, Stan rides his bike either around Central Park (one block away) or over to the Hudson River and down the bike path to Battery Park and across the Brooklyn Bridge.  He comes home and goes up to the garden area we have atop our apartment building on the 38th floor looking out on the city and Central Park.
 This is his favorite table and this is looking east towards Central Park.  He has completed reading most of the Standard Works upstairs with this fabulous view. 
This is the view looking towards 59th Street and 5th Avenue.

This is the view at night.  Atop our building looking down at the Temple and the Angel Moroni in the center and across the street is Lincoln Center.
 This is looking to the South.  The two tall buildings are the Time Warner buildings near Columbus Circle.  To the right  (out of the photo) is Lincoln Center and just below us is the Angel Moroni and the Temple.  If you look real close in this photo...well, look at the photo below.

You can see the Statue of Liberty in the distance.  Look carefully, and you can spot it.
A pretty fun place to read the Scriptures, see Central Park, look at the Temple below and so much of Manhattan.  We are really blessed to be here.

Friday, August 21, 2015

'The Sisters' in New York...(continued!)

We kept Marijane and Willie very busy. Because we were working around our temple schedule, we were up bright and early to see the sites of Manhattan!
At the 9/11 Memorial site. We toured the outside first seeing the World One Trade Center and the memory pools.
Visiting 'The Survivor Tree'. As the rescue workers were cleaning up the site, a small tree was found alive amongst the rubble. It was 'rescued' and taken to the Bronx to be cared for until it was planted on the grounds in 2010. (This tree also survived Hurricane Sandy in October 2012!)

Having to work in the temple, I left Marijane and Willie to explore the 9/11 museum on their own.
They also took a Circle Line Cruise around the island of Manhattan. They are becoming experts of NYC!
We met up with them to go to Grand Central Station and get a bite to eat.
Here we are in Grand Central Station. This is a special spot considering their father (and Stan's!) served his mission in the Eastern States Mission and would have walked through this station many times.
 I added this photo so you might be able to see just how 'grand' Grand Central Station was!
Our last event of the night......taking the Big Bus Night Tour of Downtown Manhattan. It was great sitting on top of a comfortable bus on a beautiful night just taking in all the sites like....the Empire State Building. (Which, by the way, was lit up in blue and green....and I'm not sure why! But it was beautiful.)
 The iconic department store of America...Macy's! Love the GIANT lighted bag on this very busy corner. 
It has been one busy busy week for these Sisters. They leave tomorrow and will probably go home and sleep for a week! We had a great time and we were so glad they were able to come and share in our mission experience! We love you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wille and Marijane Come to Visit!

Stan's sisters, Willie and Marijane, have come to visit us in New York for a few days.
The first place they wanted to see was the Manhattan Temple. They attended a session and did sealings with Stan being the sealer. It was a memorable experience for all!
Now it was time to see a little of New York. Where's the best place to start...Times Square!  We have
picture of Grandpa Nielson (Stan's father) who stood near this very spot on Times Square as a missionary in 1937.  This is the real reason why these three wanted to come to Times Square. 
We attended the Broadway play, 'Beautiful'....which told the story of the singer, song writer Carol King.  The music brought back many memories! Nicely done!
The stage before the play began. As photography is allowed once the show begins.
The 'Nielson kids' attend a Broadway play. It was a great night....good seats and delightful company!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Another Jamaica 1st Ward baptism

After church today we had a VERY exciting event!
Everyone gathered on the 4th floor of the building around the baptismal font.
David was being baptized today. Here he is shown with Bishop Ramsey, Brother Craig and Brother Hack (High Council).
What a great day for David AND his family. After reading the Book of Mormon, asking with real intent and attending church for the past year, he knows this church is true. I'm not sure who was more excited today....David or his wife and kids (who are all members!).

Friday, August 14, 2015

Mets Game with Dane

We also headed to a New York Mets game out in Flushing, New York at Citi Field.
It was a beautiful day for a game, and it gave Stan a chance to wear his new 'Mets' hat!
Today we are 'Mets' fans....and we had a great time!
A view of the field. Notice the apple in the middle of the photo.
This is known as the 'Home Run Apple'. It POPS out it's housing in center field to celebrate a Mets home run (or anything else worthy of celebration). Today, we got to see it 3 times as the Mets made 3 home runs today against the Colorado Rockies! The score: 12-3!   (Sorry, Scotty!) 
We loved having Dane with us. It was fun having him here! 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Guess who's back...Dane!

Dane has returned...and we are so happy to see him! He's in-between work and orientation for MBA school and has taken a few days off to visit us.
Since he is only here for a few days, we hit the town right away to show him some sights.
The Broadway play 'Amazing Grace' was on our list of 'things to do'. The unknown story of the man (John Newton) who wrote the most known religious hymn...Amazing Grace
It was 'amazing'...especially the 'drowning scene' and the closing song where the audience was able to join in singing. There was a powerful spirit in the theater.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Church History Manhattan

 our guide
 need town center
 close to where Charles Anton was visited by Oliver Cowdery.  What Joseph and Oliver were amazed with more than "a learned would say..." but it was he said "I cannot read a sealed book".

 Joseph wrote Emma and said the wonder of the large buildings.  This is what it was like when Joseph was in New York.
 Standing where Joseph came to New York and visited.
Plaque now...