Thursday, February 26, 2015

Arriving in New York City

We arrived at JFK about 3 hours late and President and Sister Steve Bennion were there to greet us. We got our luggage situated in our apartment, and we just had to go walk the streets of New York City.  It was freezing....but that didn't stop us!
From our apartment door to the door of the Manhattan New York Temple is 103 steps.  We can't believe we live this close to the Temple.
The cornerstone of the Temple.  The Church has owned this property for a few years.  But it was remodeled and a new Temple was built within these walls in 2004.  The Temple is gorgeous and completely soundproof inside.
The Angel Moroni as seen from Columbus and Broadway at 65th Street.
We just had to walk down to Time Square.  It was about 20 degrees tonight but we were so excited we just had to got out and walk around.  By the time we got back to our apartment it was 12:30am- already we've broken a mission rule.  Sorry we will be careful from now on.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

An Eventful Tuesday morning Feb 24, 2015

As we made our way to the Salt Lake Temple early this morning to get ready for the training, we walk over to the Church Administration Building. From the phone call and email from yesterday, we had an appointment set up for 7:45am.   It was a clear and cold morning, but we didn't feel anything.  In fact, we didn't get much sleep last night.  This had to do with the call Stan received to come and interview with President Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
Leaving this important building, we are changed people.  We enjoyed a wonderful 35 minute visit with President Uchtdorf  that will alter our lives. It was a rather remarkable visit and new assignment we received.  I look pretty calm...but Stan has a nervous look about him!  When this new assignment is announced in the Church News, we can tell our family and friends.   This will change the length of time for our mission in the Manhattan New York City Temple.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Our Training in the Salt Lake Temple (No MTC visit)

We started out Training in the Salt Lake Temple.  Because its Monday, the Temple is closed except to us missionaries (8 couples in our group).  So we had the Temple to ourselves and they walked us around.  Really!  Training was great and we got out quite early in the afternoon.  We visited Temple Square and the Tabernacle above.
We had time to visit the Joseph Smith Auditorium and see the movie "Meet the Mormons" and enjoyed the afternoon.  Well we did until Stan received an email and phone call setting up a visit for the following morning.
As we were walking down State Street we heard someone yell at us and a car turned around and out hopped Kel Davis.  One of our great missionaries from Poland.  He was so nice to stop and visit with us before he headed home to see his family.
Then we meet Tracy and Katie also two of our great Sisters from Poland.  It was fun to get caught up on things and enjoy some time with them.  So nice of them to come and visit us.
Then we are sitting in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in the lobby, Stan cant get his mind off the interview he has in the morning, and our dear friends from Warsaw, Poland, the Picketts who now live in Houston, come walking in.  It was so fun to see them and visit.  They were in Warsaw with work but they were truly there on a mission as they assisted the Church and our missionaries and members.
A very fun day.  Great training and visit to the Salt Lake Temple and then seeing some dear friends.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our Family sends us off again...

 We stopped at Brian Head ski resort on our way up to Salt Lake City.  With most of our Grandchildren, we had fun in the snow and put up our NY flag (upper right) to let everyone know where we are off to.
 Darik and his family as they took a break from skiing.  We are going to miss these guys, It will be interesting to see how they all have grown when we return.
The Bennetts and our son, Dane, drove us up to Salt Lake City for our final night before starting our mission. (2 cars loaded with 4 big suitcases!)  We love our family and are so grateful for their support.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Farewell weekend and get togther

We spoke in our ward on Sunday February 15 and our family held an informal get together the night before.  We are surprised as many came as they did since it was Valentines Day (and a 4 day weekend)
 A huge thanks to our children and all they do to support us.  Without them, we could not do this!
 Jeff and Lisa Parker, who are soon leaving to preside over the Adelade Australia Mission.
 Willie and Marijane, Stan's two great sisters.
 The Bennett's and the Kellers.  Again thank you for your help.
 Some of our GREAT Missionaries who served with us in the Poland Warsaw Mission.  We love you all!!
 Some of our dear friends the Rawlings and the Huntingtons.
 Some of the BEST Senior Couple Missionaries in the Church.  These great members kept us going in Poland.  We love them!
 More of our dear friends- the Ringers and the Thomas'
 Some of our great friends from the "Old" Fort Apache Ward days.  What wonderful friends and memories.
And the Shaw family.  Kristi was our baby sitters some 30 years ago.  She is part of our family and thank you for coming with your family all the way to Las Vegas.
It was a great weekend and now all that is left is to pack and head to New York City via Salt Lake City.   We cannot wait to get our missionary badges on again.